How to install vlc Video Player in ubuntu / linux mint

From this blog you will learn how to install vlc in your linux based operating system.
There is two way to install VLC Video player:
  1. The first way to install vlc using snap. Snap is new Universal packaging system from ubuntu.The default channel of vlc snap packages uses vlc 3.0 stable.
If you are using ubuntu 16.04 or higher you are able to use snap packages. for linux mint or other linux version you can follow the below command:
           sudo apt install snapd
once your os support snap packages you can install vlc through the following command.
              sudo snap install vlc
2. The second way to install vlc using ppa. if you are not able or don't want to install vlc with snap packages you can install vlc through the following command.
             sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc
The above method will work in linux based operating system like linux mint, ubuntu etc.

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